Laos: Holidays, hotels, maps, money, weather, capital travel tips, information, real estate

The national flag:


Flag of Laos


You will find information about hotels, real estate, official tourism-, governement- en travel information, a recent newspaper and lots more in the down right corner

Local time, weather report, temperature:


Click for week forecast and monthly weather history for Laos


Click banner for temperature and 10 day forecast


Seasonal and monthly weather averages

Detailed information: More Tourist Information


Map of Laos

Detailed map of this country (UN)

All facts and figures - CIA

Wikitravel - Travel Guide

Wikipedia - Country information

Travel advice - Foreign Office

Government - Official site

Tourist Office - Official site

Camping - Campsites

Youth hostels - Stay cheap

Hotels - Online booking

Holiday homes - Self catering

Houses - Local Real estate agent

UK - Book flight

Newspaper - Online daily news


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Coin of Laos

Image of one of the coins. The Currency of this country is the kip



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Large map of Asia

(pdf - 423K)

Overview countries of Asia

National holiday: 2 December

The most widely spoken languages are: Lao (official), French, English

The Capital is Vientiane

(See link for the capital website)

The Climate is mostly tropical monsoon, rainy season (May to Nov), dry season (Dec to Apr)

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